Beauty is changing. It is no longer just on catwalks or in magazines but in our friends’ selfies or the latest uploads from influencers.
Beauty is a playground where everyone is entitled to play.
Beauty is limitless : there are as many beauties as there are people in the world, and in the span of a day or of a lifetime, one person can embrace as many facets of one's own beauty as one wants. 

Our own beauty can be a statement, a statement the world needs to hear, and that Sephora needed to voice.
CD : Remi Babinet, Florence Belisson    CW : Clara Lafuente     AD : Jonathan Baudet-Botella   Assistant AD : Joachim Touitou      Photographer : Nadine Ijewere
This worldwide campaign marks the launch of a new brand signature, a new graphic code, a new iconography as well in outdoor
and press as on social media  and POS, and overall of a new positionning for this leader retailer of the beauty industry.

🌟 Grand Prix Stratégies du Luxe - Or 🌟

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